Open a cheese shop or cheese bar

How to open your cheese shop, your cheese bar? How to set up an independent creamer and cheese maker? Can you set up as a self-employed person? Can you settle down without a diploma? What are the success factors? Do we have the title of artisan?

First of all, the creamer-cheese maker is:

  • trader if he is not involved in the manufacturing or refining of the product. In this case, no diploma is required. Registration will be done with the services of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI),
  • an artisan if he is involved in the processing of the product: refining, care given to cheeses, creation and manufacturing of cheeses. In this case, a CAP-BEP level diploma will be compulsory or, failing that, sufficient professional experience. Registration will be done with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA). Note that the title of artisan creamer-cheese maker is recent since it was created on July 1, 2015.

There are around 3,200 independent cream and cheese makers in France who sell in stores, on markets or on the street.

The creamer-cheese maker is above all a cheese enthusiast who knows how to pass on his passion to his customers: he advises, offers tastings, and goes so far as to offer complementary products, for example wine.

Here is everything you need to know for your project to create a cheese shop or cheese shop.

The cheese market in France.

The French are the leading European consumers of cheese, with 25.9 kg per person per year. Iceland, Finland and Germany arrive next. The five most produced cheeses in France are (in descending order):

  • the count,
  • Roquefort,
  • the Reblochon,
  • Cantal,
  • Saint-Nectaire.

But the most consumed cheeses remain Emmental, Camembert and Brie.

Cheese is a French passion. More than 1,600 cheeses are listed in our country, even if the diversity tends to decrease.

The cheesemaker will be able to help his customers to distinguish between:

  • a farm cheese, made by hand from raw milk from a particular farm (powerful taste, product resulting from know-how and a particular terroir),
  • and a dairy or industrial cheese, made from pasteurized milk from different farms.

The overall turnover of creamers and cheese makers stands at €900 million per year. 50% of cheesemakers are women. 48% of cheesemakers work in shops while 23% of them work in markets or on street sales. 13% of creamer-cheese makers work in halls (source: Fédération des Fromagers de France).

The average cheese basket is €17.

Cheese consumption is growing steadily in France. Above all, there is a demand for discovery and knowledge of cheeses. Associated with wine and conviviality, cheese is also sold in new types of places, for example cheese bars, especially present in the city centers of large cities. The success of cheese bars is undeniable.

The keys to success for an independent cheesemaker.

Opening your cheese factory is a demanding adventure. The success lies largely in the qualities of the creamer-cheesemaker himself.

  • The job of creamer-cheese maker in a store is above all a work of presence: the schedules are not always easy to manage taking into account family life,
  • The cheesemaker must have a certain commercial sense to ensure sales and loyalty,
  • He must have technical knowledge and develop an excellent knowledge of cheeses and their diversity,
  • He must master the fundamentals of management and management.

The standards and regulations for opening your cheese shop, cheese shop or cheese bar.

Professional qualification to work as a cheesemaker-creamer.

If you wish to be recognized as an artisan creamer-cheese maker, you will need to hold a CAP-BEP, a Bac Pro or a diploma issued by the national directory of professional certifications. It is also possible to create your own establishment with 3 years of professional experience as a business manager, self-employed worker or employee of a creamery and cheese maker.

Furthermore, opening a cheese shop is possible without a diploma if the product is not processed.

Opening your cheese shop or cheese bar: the main standards to respect.

Many regulations must be respected to open your cheese shop or cheese bar, and in particular:

  • Security and accessibility standards relating to ERP (establishment open to the public).
  • Health standards :
    • general obligations regarding food safety and rules for the layout of premises and their equipment,
    • implementation of procedures based on the principles of HACCP (however the food hygiene course is not obligatory),
    • compliance with departmental health regulations (available from the prefecture).
  • Technical installations: technical installations for ventilation, air conditioning or refrigeration extraction must respect the rules relating to the tranquility of the neighborhood by being correctly insulated.
  • Display of prices and mandatory information .
  • Display of allergenic ingredients: the use of ingredients that may cause allergies or intolerances must be mentioned. It must be indicated on the product or nearby.
  • Regulations relating to closing days.
  • Mandatory displays for staff.
  • Obligation to pay a contribution to SACEM , if music is broadcast in the establishment.
  • In the event of the sale of alcohol, special regulations apply. See our article on the legislation on the sale of alcohol.

Note: If you organize tours in a municipality other than that of your main establishment, you will need to obtain a  traveling permit .

What is the best legal status to open your cheese shop or cheese bar?

The different possible statuses are:

  • Micro -enterprise (formerly self-enterprise): this is a very simplified status but not very credible for this type of activity,
  • The sole proprietorship (EI): this is a common and adapted status but which can cause inconveniences regarding the payment of social security contributions; in fact, the latter being calculated on the profits of the year, they are likely to vary greatly from one year to another,
  • The EIRL : same remark as for the EI. However, the EIRL allows you to protect your assets,
  • The EURL (or SARL in the case of several partners): it is a well-suited status. The manager himself determines his remuneration, which serves as the basis for calculating social security contributions,
  • The SASU : this legal regime is well adapted but a little more expensive than the EURL. It allows you to avoid Social Security for the self-employed (ex RSI).
  • For more details on the different possible statuses, click on the links.

Create your business directly online.

WikiCréa has selected Legalstart for your online business creation formalities. Why Legalstart? Quite simply because it is the most complete and cheapest offer on the market.

The stages of creating a cheese shop.

Here are the main steps to opening your cheese shop or cheese bar:

  1. Train yourself ,
  2. Imagine a commercial positioning for your future activity: name of the brand, concept, decoration, type of products,
  3. Search for suppliers, test the different qualities of cheese, form your opinion,
  4. Carry out a market study ,
  5. Build a business plan and a financial plan ,
  6. List your needs and find the assistance and financing necessary for your start-up,
  7. Identify the premises or business to take over; sign a commercial lease ,
  8. Carry out the work and prepare the interior of your establishment,
  9. Complete the installation preparation course (optional),
  10. Choose your legal status and register (Chamber of Trades and Crafts),
  11. Start communication and activity.

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